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We have you covered.
DCAC can help you.

Our Experience in Canada Pension Plan disability appeals gets results.

Learn more

No Win No Fees

DCAC appreciates the financial burden that many experience and doesn't charge for advocacy services unless you win.

Our Experience

With over 20 years of client representation, we understand the CPP appeals process intimately.


If your application for CPP Disability benefits has been denied you have the right to appeal. The first stage of the appeal process is to ask for a Reconsideration.

Tribunal Representation

We will represent you at hearings to ensure your case is accurately and professionally presented to get the best outcome possible.

Do you have a case?

DCAC will assess your particular situation and provide prompt
feedback on your chances of a positive outcome.

Case Assessment

Meet Collette

Collette had been experiencing pain and stiffness in her lower back and hip for many years.  Her condition had been diagnosed as degenerative disc disease and osteoarthritis of her hip. Collette had worked as an industrial cleaner for many years and by 56 her pain and mobility issues had increased to the point that she was no longer able to continue working. Collette became depressed and anxious as she was unable to pay her bills.

Her doctor recommended she apply for Canada Pension Plan disability which was denied at the initial application and at the reconsideration appeal.  CPP disability had concluded that Collette had the ability to work at another job more suitable to her limitations.  Collette has a Grade 10 education which limited her transferrable job skills.  With DCAC’s help Collette had an appeal before the Social Security Tribunal which was allowed and her disability benefits were granted.

Assess Your Care

Meet Glenn

Glenn was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in his late 30s.  Throughout the years, he was able to manage his condition with medication, exercise, and other types of therapies.  In 2017 he fell from a ladder at home which injured his lower back and broke his wrists.  From that point onward, his pain levels escalated and he was unable to sleep which increased his symptoms of Fibromyalgia.  He was unable to continue working at his job in his local city council.  He was covered by his disability insurance for a period of two years when his benefits expired and he applied for CPP disability.  He was denied as there was no “objective evidence” to support his disability. With DCAC’s help we were able to prepare his appeal which was then approved.

Assess Your Case

CPP Disability Client and Stakeholder Roundtable

Allison Schmidt was invited to be a member of the CPP Disability Roundtable in 2016.  The roundtable has played an essential role in providing client and stakeholder perspectives on the design and implementation of the CPPD program.  The roundtable provides feedback on all aspects of CPPD including policy development, program design, legislative and regulatory reform and service delivery.  Allison has a seat at the table and is able to bring a voice for CPPD applicants and recipients to Ottawa.

Income Security Appeals Consultative Committee (ISAAC)

Allison Schmidt is a member of the Income Security Appeals Consultative Committee (ISAAC) formed in January 2020 to provide input and advice on issues related to CPP Disability appeals at the Social Security Tribunal.  The committee enables stakeholders to provide comments and advice on current and emerging issues related to the SST’s operations as they affect the people who use their adjudicative systems.

What We Do

The Disability Claims Advocacy Clinic Inc. (DCAC) was established in Regina, Saskatchewan in 1998. Our firm is dedicated to providing case-management services to those individuals who often have little or no access to advocacy when appealing the denial of a Canada Pension Plan disability benefit.  Over the last 20 years, DCAC Inc. has grown to become a highly-respected national advocacy firm. Many people become overwhelmed and give up on their appeal simply because they do not know what to do. At DCAC Inc. we can help you. We are with you each step of the way. DCAC Inc. advocates have many years of experience in evaluating the issues that have to be assessed in every Canada Pension Plan disability claim. We use our case-management experience to guide your case through the maze of paperwork, filings, appeals, rulings and regulations to take the pressure off of you.

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Do You Have a Case?

DCAC will assess your particular situation and provide prompt feedback on your chances of a positive outcome.