Ask Our Team: What Tips/Advice Can We Give To Those Applying To CPPD?

We asked our team for their advice for those applying or wondering about the CPP Disability process.

  • Don't get frustrated with the process. It can be long, so patience is key.
  • Do not be alarmed if you have sent in your application a few months ago and have not heard anything. Try to not stress about it.
  • We are here to help you through it all! Do not be afraid to reach out. Give us a call or shoot us an email, we are happy to give you guidance.
  • It is best to reach out for assistance as soon as possible
  • Never go to a Social Security Tribunal unrepresented.
  • Try to not take denial letters to heart. Often the letters have a very negative impact and clients take their words to heart. This is a very common response and people need to know that they are not alone. We are on your side and can help get you through this process while you focus on your health.

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