An Overview of the CPP Disability Application Process

There are 5 main steps to the CPPD Benefits process.



Information on CPPD benefits can be found online, in person, by telephone (contact us!), or through outreach activities.



CPPD Application kit and Terminal Illness application are provided. We have written a guide to how to fill out the application. Read more about it here



Department determines whether an applicant has made enough contributions and has a severe and prolonged disability that impacts their ability to work any job.



Department either grants or denies benefits on initial applications and reconsideration requests. The SST makes decisions on benefit eligibility for appeals denied at reconsideration.


Receiving Benefit/Not Receiving Benefit:

Department monitors beneficiaries continuing eligibility. Clients may benefit from return to work supports, including vocational rehabilitation. Clients who are denied benefit are informed and potential options for income support are provided. Have questions on what to do if you are denied? We can help you! We wrote a blog post about it here, or you can contact us for more information.

Avez-vous un dossier à nous soumettre?

La CDRI évaluera votre situation et vous fournira, dans les plus brefs délais, une estimation de vos chances d’obtenir gain de cause.